High pressure centrifugal fans

Industrial fans

AP series

Centrifugal high-pressure fan – DirecT DRIVEN

APE         V= 120 ÷ 2.100 m3/h            Pt = 190 ÷ 1.475 kg/m2

APF          V= 600 ÷ 8.400 m3/h           Pt = 430 ÷ 1.760 kg/m2

APG         V= 960 ÷ 21.300 m3/h          Pt = 390 ÷ 1.865 kg/m2

Use: also for the suction of very dusty air.

The fans of this series are particularly suitable for pneumatic conveyances, in cement factories, in the air feeding of the cupolas, in foundries and in oil burners, in mills, in “pasta” factories, in chemical, metallurgical and iron industries where small capacities with medium and high pressures are required.

Temperature max is 80°C without cooling fan and 150°C with cooling fan.


APR series

Centrifugal high-pressure fan – High efficiency – reverse blade impeller- Direct DRIVEN

APRF            V= 600 ÷ 15.000 m3/h             Pt = 355÷ 2.550 kg/m2

APRG            V= 1.200 ÷ 33.600 m3/h            Pt = 260 ÷ 2.800 kg/m2

APRH            V= 1.680 ÷ 48.000 m3/h            Pt = 112 ÷ 1.950 kg/m2

APRI              V=3.780 ÷54.000 m3/h             Pt = 150 ÷ 1.880 kg/m2

APRL            V= 7.500 ÷ 54.000 m3/h             Pt = 280 ÷ 1.085 kg/m2

Use: for the suction of clean and dusty air.

These types of high pressure fans are characterized by a high output with saving of electric power as they have a special fan wheel with reversed blades (negative) assembled.

These types of fans are particularly suitable for pneumatic conveyances, in cement factories, in the air feeding fo the cupolas in foundries and in oil burners, in the mills, in “pasta” factories, in chemical, metallurgical and iron industries where small capacities with medium and high pressures are required.
Temperature max is 80°C without cooling fan and 150°C with cooling fan.



High-pressure centrifugal fan – BELT DRIVEN

APEc          V=100 ÷ 3.600 m3/h              Pt =120 ÷ 1.710 kg/m2

APFc           V= 380 ÷ 10.800 m3/h           Pt = 240 ÷ 1.870 kg/m2

APGc            V= 840 ÷ 32.400 m3/h           Pt = 240 ÷ 1.880 kg/m2

Use: for the suction of clean or very dusty air.

The fans of this series are particularly suitable for pneumatie conveyances, in cement factories, in the air feeding of the cupolas, in foundries and in oil burners, in mills, in “pasta” factories, in chemical, metallurgical and iron industries where small capacities with medium and high pressures are required.

For temperatures of the transported fluid higher than 90° C up to 350° C a small heat stopping fan is splined to the shaft between support and scroll; besides the fan is painted with a special aluminium paint suitable for high temperatures.



HIgh-pressure centrifugal fan  – High efficiency reverse blade impeller – belt driven

APRFc         V= 570÷ 40.000 m3/h           Pt =350 ÷ 2.380 kg/m2

APRGc         V= 750 ÷ 83.500 m3/h             Pt = 200 ÷ 2.550 kg/m2

APRHc         V= 1.900 ÷ 144.000 m3/h          Pt = 230 ÷ 1.980 kg/m2

APRIc           V= 2.500 ÷ 150.000 m3/h          Pt = 180 ÷ 1.710 kg/m2

APRLc           V= 4.500 ÷225.000 m3/h          Pt = 190÷ 1.150 kg/m2

Use: for the suction of clean and dusty air.

These types of high pressure fans are characterized by a high output with saving of electric power as they have a special fan wheel with reversed blades (negative) assembled.

These types of fans are particularly suitable for pneumatic conveyances, in cement factories, in the air feeding  the cupolas in foundries and in oil burners, in the mills, in pasta factories, in chemical, metallurgical and iron industries where small capacities with medium and high pressures are required.

For temperatures of the transported fluid higher than 90° C up to 350° C a small heat stopping fan is splined to the shaft between support and scroll; besides the fan is painted with a special aluminium paint suitable for high temperatures.




Centrifugal high-pressure fan – High efficiency reverse blade impeller- Direct coupling by means of an elastic joint- Maximum sturdiness and the noise very low

APRF/N8          V= 2.400 ÷ 24.000 m3/h           Pt = 450÷ 1.600 kg/m2

APRG/N8          V= 5.400 ÷ 54.000 m3/h            Pt = 525÷ 1.730 kg/m2

APRH/N8          V= 10.800 ÷ 135.000 m3/h        Pt = 470 ÷ 1.590 kg/m2

APRI/N8         V= 15.000 ÷ 150.000 m3/h        Pt = 380÷ 1.450 kg/m2

APRL/N8        V= 9.600÷195.000 m3/h         Pt = 210 ÷ 1.140 kg/m2

Use: for the suction of clean and dusty air.

These types of high pressure fans are characterized by a high output with saving of electric power as they have a special fan wheel with reversed blades (negative) assembled.

These types of fans are particolarly suitable for pneumatic conveyances, in cement factories, in the air feeding the cupolas in foundries, in the mills, in “pasta” factories, in chemical, metallurgical and iron industries where medium and high pressures are required.

This series with direct control by means of a semi-elastic joint has been realized for the purpose of obtaining the maximum sturdiness keeping and the noise very low. The connection between fan and motor with the joint eliminates the axial and radial thrusty on the motor supports assuring in this way a long working life to the motor.

Temperature: 90°C. Maximum 350°C with cooling fan.




APRED       V= 600 ÷ 4.260 m3/h           Pt = 1.450 ÷ 4.760 kg/m2

APRFD       V= 1.080 ÷ 12.000 m3/h       Pt = 1.400 ÷ 5.000 kg/m2

APRGD       V= 7.500 ÷ 24.000 m3/h        Pt = 2.600 ÷ 4.650 kg/m2

Use: for the suction of clean and dusty air.

These types of fans with doubles stage, are characterized by a high out put which allows a certain saving of electric power; by using special types of fan wheels with inverted blades (negative).
They are used for giving oxygen to impure waters, for pneumatic conveyalces, in cement factories, in the mills, in “pasta” factories, in dye works (for the quick drying wool), in ceramic factories (for the pneumatic cleaning of the rooms), in chemical, iron and metallurgical industries where small and medium capacities with very high pressure are required.


MAP           V= 50 ÷ 1.200 m3/h            Pt = 60 ÷ 390 kg/m2

Use: for machines wich work plastic materials and sand-blasting machines.

They’re supplied with Unified Series MEC 2 poles self-ventilating motor units.

The volutes are constructed of pressed and spot-welded or folded sheet steel.

Dinamically and statically balanced impellers, with cadmium-plated forward facing vanes.